ZGKY New Listing Advisor: Lismart Consultants Ltd

FUCG Listing Status: update on trade-ability status
March 17, 2021
Amergeris resigned as LAD of Capricorn Mining PLC
March 24, 2021

ZGKY New Listing Advisor: Lismart Consultants Ltd

The listing Kaijialuo Mining Co. Ltd. with DCSX symbol ZGKY engaged Lismart Consultants Ltd. as its new listing advisor as of March 23, 2021

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Local Time
JMYS  $13.80ZGKY  $0.57BDCB-CW  100%SOMS-A1  100%SOMS-A2  100%SOMS-B1  100%SOMS-B2  100%CMRH  $2.50TRUE  $1.50CRLC  $26,067.18KSTE  $0.45CHFU-CW  100%